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Postnatal Yoga &
Core Restore
6-Week Program

Congratulations on your Baby, and welcome to our signature Postnatal Yoga & Rehab Program. Established since 2015, this 6-Week Course is designed to help YOU rebuild strength, mobility and peace of mind, as you adjust to new responsibilities and priorities as a Mum. A well-planned and specialized postpartum rehabilitation program by a trained and experienced Specialist, is essential to ensure that you’re exercising and healing efficiently. Areas of focus include RECONNECTING and RETRAINING your CORE the RIGHT WAY, and regaining strength and function in a sustainable manner.

The Course yields excellent results, and also includes Post Partum Postural Analysis, Diastasis Recti assessment, and Tips for a Home Practice that is symptomatic-based, and not protocol-based .

In this dedicated 6-week Postpartum Corrective Exercise course, we will cover :

  • Rebuilding strength and mobility for the overall body (with strong focus on the Pelvic Floor, Diastasis Recti rehabilitation, shoulders, neck & lower back tightness and pain).

  • Maintaining emotional, mental and physical balance through the “Core Breath” for optimal function and loading.

  • Restoring pregnancy Negative Postural Adaptations & compensations like Upper/Lower Cross Syndrome.

  • Techniques on efficient breathing to ignite those deep core muscles and for lumbo-pelvic stability.

  • C-Section scar mobilisation & scar tissue release.


This Signature Program is customised and led by Angeline Liew (Principal Teacher/Co-Founder of Prana Yoga KL), Pilates Reformer & Mat Instructor & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist. She is currently Malaysia’s only Certified Pre & Postnatal Yoga Trainer registered with  Yoga Alliance International.


  • Suitable for Mummies who have completed their confinement, or anytime when you feel ready to commence yoga and exercise. Please wait at least 2 months if you’ve had a C-Section birth (or with Doctor’s clearance).

  • Kindly note there will be no replacements, pro-rate or refunds for absenteeism or change of mind. Fees paid cannot be off-set against class passes, and are non-transferable to another intake, program or membership.

  • Group photos taken during class may be used for program promotion and education purposes (confidentiality assured).


FEE : RM 500 (Limited to 16 participants). Please click here for latest intake date and booking.

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